Hey guy's we are come back with another excited tutorial in which we learn how to perform Man In The Middle Attack if you didn't know what is MITM Attack then first check pervious post about itt and then come back here to perform MITM Attack with linux.
It is a penetration testing toolkit whose aim to perform man in the middle attack for testing purpose.
- Linux, Ubuntu, Parrot OS
Installation:- Just type following commands.
$ apt-get update
$ apt-get upgrade
$ git clone https://github.com/LionSec/xerosploit.git
$ cd xerosploit
$ sudo ./install.py
Once installation successfully complete just type
$ sudo xerosploit
And type help for more information and if you need a complete video tutorial about this than comment below.
I hop this information is helpful for you if you found something interesting then press bell icon given at corner and follow us on instagram. Thanks for reading have a nice day.
Mohit Saran (Hacker's King)