As cybersecurity researchers or programmers, we usually need a free and stable remote access service to host our apps, games, or any network service that requires port forwarding. You know the struggle of dealing with complex router settings, dynamic IP addresses, and ISP restrictions. Playit.GG is a free, lifetime access TPC/UDP port forwarding service that eliminates these headaches by offering a hassle-free way to expose your services to the internet.
You may also like to read: Free HTTP Port Forwarding Using SSH On Linux
In this blog, we'll discuss how to set up TPC/UDP port forwarding for accessing your remote devices. While other service options exist, our primary focus will be on TPC/UDP port forwarding.
Download and Set up Playit.GG
First of all, you have to create an account on Playit.GG website and download on your computer from the link given below for your operating system In my case, I'm using the Linux operating system so simply copy and paste the following commands on your terminal
curl -SsL | gpg --dearmor | sudo tee /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/playit.gpg >/dev/null
echo "deb [signed-by=/etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/playit.gpg] ./" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/playit-cloud.list
sudo apt update
sudo apt install playit
after installation, you can see a link on your terminal for further setup. When you open that link, you will see a webpage waiting for your request. It shows Add new agent. Simply click on Continue to accept the request and you can see a new page as shown in the screenshot below
Now click on Create Tunnel given in step 4 and select TPC/UPD tunnel type in the use Shared IP section.
Now you can see a warning No Malware! to agree that you're not going to use palyitGG for hosting malware or payloads. Click on Yes, I will not host malware to continue.
Now again select TPC+UDP (protocol) and enter your local port in the Local Port box Port Count remains the default and click on add tunnel.
Wait for a few seconds until it shows your tunnel is pending and later you can see a full IP for example
How to test if tt working or not?
You can here use the website yougetsignal to know if your port forwarding is live or not and also your terminal will show you the status of your port forwarding with the IP address and running port.
Playit.GG is a game-changer for anyone who needs free, reliable, and easy-to-use TCP/UDP port forwarding. Whether you’re a gamer, developer, or IT professional, this service provides a lifetime solution to hosting and remote access challenges without ISP restrictions or complex router configurations.